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Begin to discover and embrace your

individual worth, purpose, and journey


01 about

Ever felt like who you are, where you are in your life

and what you're doing with it isn't enough? ​


We live in a time where it's all too easy to compare!​

We compare ourselves to others based on what we do or what we have and what others think of us; measuring success against the many social and cultural 'norms' and expectations. And sadly, far too often we derive that a failure to measure up reflects on our worth or value. But the exciting truth is, you, right now, are already more than enough! Your worth and value have always been unchangeable - they've never been determined by what you do and have, or what other people think of you and they never will be. You have your own set of strengths and abilities that are just waiting to be discovered and unpacked. You don't need to wait until all of your ducks are in a row until you can start living and enjoying your life! In your hands lies everything you need to start living a purposed and fulfilled life - today.


02 meet elyse


Kia ora, I'm Elyse and I cannot

wait to begin this journey with you!


Everybody has an individual journey and story to tell and for me, a big part of mine has been healing from 10+ years of an eating disorder (hence the name!) Through this healing journey I've come to appreciate that real change is possible and it's necessary for all of us. It's an ongoing process and it happens from the inside-out. Whilst society often teaches us to focus our efforts and attention on what is seen - our physical appearance, what our bodies can do and on doing and becoming more, the most important parts of us are what is unseen - our heart, mind, and soul; and this is where true transformation takes place.


I'm a firm believer that nothing in our lives is ever wasted, so it's my hope to use my journey to encourage you to experience hope, joy and freedom in your own.

03 program

My Worth, My Purpose, My Journey

An 8-week program that is all about you.

Across 8 sessions you'll be encouraged to discover and embrace your individual worth, the unique strengths and abilities that lie within your hands, and your journey.


This is a one-on-one program. Sessions are 1.5 hours long and are held over Zoom or in person. Each recipient will receive their own workbook. Small group options may be available upon request.


Topics that are covered:


Knowing your worth and value


Your FIT and SHAPE


Valuing your vessel and self-care


Appreciating your journey


Guarding your heart and mind


Doing life connected and in community

Like to know more?


Your worth and value doesn't come from what you do, what you have, or what others think of you - it’s an unchangeable and foundational part of who you are.

04 contact

If you'd like to know more about the 8-week program or how Healing Your Relationship with Food could personally help you, please get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.

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Thanks for getting in touch!

© 2024 Elyse McKechnie. All rights reserved.

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